Nou ja, toe. In ‘n vorige Nuuswekker het ek berig oor die podiumdigter Matt Harvey wat aangestel is as eie en eksklusiewe laureate vir die Wimbledon Tenniskampioenskap. Hierdie aanstelling geskied in samewerking met die Poetry Trust en sy taak is om elke dag ‘n gedig te skryf oor die dag se gebeure.
En so het hy na afloop van die eerste dag sy eerste vers gepleeg en indien dit ‘n aanduiding is van wat ons te wagte kan wees, is ek bevrees dat die estetiese opwelling wat ‘n goed uitgevoerde rughandhou tot gevolg het, veel meer opwindend gaan wees as Harvey se sogenaamde poëtiese geswymel. In beginsel is dit uiteraard seker ‘n goeie idee, maar in die praktyk …?
Op ‘n manier herinner dit my aan iets wat Robert Graves gesê het: “If there’s no money in poetry, neither is there poetry in money.” En selfs “In love as in sport, the amateur status must be strictly maintained.” Dalk kan ons hier gewoon “money” met “tennis” vervang en “love” met “poetry”?
Nietemin, ter wille van jou kennisname (en moontlike sardoniese plesier) plaas ek Matt Harvey se afslaanvers onder aan vanoggend se Nuuswekker. (Die oorspronklike plasing kan op die Poetry Trust se webblad gelees word.)
Vanoggend is daar drie nuwe plasings wat aangekondig moet word: Edwin Fagel wat vertel van die poskaarte wat hy van O. uit Parys ontvang het, Marcelle Olivier se stuk oor die pasafgelope son-ewening in Engeland en dan Andries Bezuidenhout wat vertel van die nagmerries wat deur die Kleuterverseboek ontketen word. (Welkom terug, Andries!)
Lekker lees en geniet die middel-in-die-week dag. (Ai, hoekom het niemand my vertel dat die tyd al hoe vinniger verbysnel namate ‘n mens ouer word nie?!)
Mooi bly.
a game in the life
bounce bounce bounce bounce
thwackety wackety zingety ping
hittety backety pingety zang
wack, thwok, thwack, pok
thwikety, thwekity, thwokity, thwakity
cover the court with alarming alacrity
smackety dink, smackety dink
boshety bashity crotchety crashety
up loops a lob with a teasing temerity
leaps in the air in defiance of gravity
puts it away with a savage severity
coupled with suavity
(reaches for towel with a certain serenity)
bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce
thwack, thwok, plak, plok
come to the nettety
bit of a liberty
quickly regrettety
up goes a lobbity
hoppety skippety
awkwardly backwardly
slippety trippety
tumble & sprawl
audible gasps…
(opponent asks how is he?
courtesy, nice to see
getting up gingerly
brushity thighsity
all, if you’re asking me
bit big-girls-blousity)
bounce bounce bounce
whack, thwok, plik, plok
into the corner, then down the linety
chasety downity, whackety backety
all on the runnity, crossety courtety
dropety vollety – quality, quality…
… oh I say what impossible gettery
no, umpirical rulery – nottety uppity –
oooh – doesn’t look happety
back to the baseline
muttery muttery muttery muttery
bounce, bounce, bounce,
thwacketty OUT
bounce, bounce, bounce,
thwacketty BLEEP
2nd serve
bounce, bounce, bounce,
thwacketty – slappity
thwackety thumpity
dinkety-clinkety, gruntity-thumpity
fistety pumpety, fistety pumpety COME ON!
quiet please
bounce, bounce, bounce,
thwacketty thwoketty
bashetty boshetty
clashety closhety
lookaty linety, lookaty line-judge
line judge nodity
wearily query
umpire upholdery, indicate inchery
insult to injury
give line-judge scrutiny
face full of mutiny,
back to the baseline
through gritted teethery
muttery mutiny mutiny muttery
bounce bounce bounce
thwak, thwok, thwak, plok
thwakety plik, thwoketty plak
to-ity fro-ity fro-ity to-ity
slowity quickety quickety slowity
turnety headety, headety turnity
leftety rightety leftety rightety
seems like we’ve been here a bloomin eternity
rightety leftety rightety leftety
topety spinnety, backhandy slicety
lookety watchety, scratchety bottity
fabulous forehand, backhandy slicety
furious forehand, savagely slicety
fearsome ferocity, vicious velocity
bilious backhand – blasted so blistery…
…half a mile out but that line judge is history
new balls please
© Matt Harvey