‘n Mens kan jou dit beswaarlik voorstel dat daar iemand is wat nie bekommerd is oor die beoogde wetgewing op informasiebeheer wat tans in die parlement bespreek word nie. Die afgelope maande reeds klink daar protesstemme uit verskillende oorde op; so ook verskeie aksies en inisiatiewe soos AVAAZ se petisie wat op hul webblad geteken kan word.
Die griefskrif lees soos volg:
“As citizens across South Africa, we call on you to protect our Constitutional commitments to accountability, freedom of information and the media in the ‘Protection of Information’ Bill. We urge you to ensure that the bill only applies to core state bodies in the security sector, and that intelligence agencies are held to account by public scrutiny. Secrets with a bearing on national security must be determined by an independent panel appointed by Parliament and not the Minister of State Security. Penalties for unauthorised disclosure should apply only to those responsible for keeping secrets, and investigative journalists and legitimate whistleblowers should always be protected to release information in the public interest. Our democracy was hard-won, and we will not give it up lightly.”
Volgens die meegaande teks kom die beswaar in wese daarop neer dat hierdie wetgewing regeringsinstellings in staat gaan stel om “without public scrutiny, and stopping the media from exposing corruption, and abuse of power” te funksioneer. Maar – protes word uit alle oorde aangeteken: “Last week, after hundreds of media outlets and civic organisations had submitted amendments to Parliament, COSATU, Fedusa and the former Minister for Intelligence Services, Ronnie Kasrils condemned the bill, which forced ruling party MPs were forced to prolong the Parliamentary debate. But the interests of the security sector are at stake, and to ensure this current bill is stopped will require an avalanche of public opposition.”
Die griefskrif kan hier op AVAAZ se webblad onderteken word.
Ten tye van hierdie plasing, om 11:00 op Vrydag, 10 Junie, is daar reeds 30,357 van die beoogde 50,000 handtekeninge ontvang.
A luta continua! Of iets in dier voege.
Avaaz is soos internet guerilla vegters.
Hulle is baie goed Hulle ore is orals en hulle mobiliseer gou weerstand. Lekker dat hulle mens dikwels terugvoering gee. Hulle werk oa groen, polities, en vir die veronregdes. Onlangs het hulle baklei teen die gemikalië wat as newe effek die bye so uitwis in dele van die wêreld. Einstein het gesê as ons bye bevolking doodgaan sal die wêreld nie meer lewensvatbaar wees na 4 jaar.