Ken Barris RAISING THE STAKES There is a trick poets use, especially when inspiration is in short supply: they write poems about writing poems. This is usually a bad idea. Poems about writing can put too much distance between readers and the raw, lived experience that strong poetry needs. But every now…
Tag: AVBOB Poetry Awards
AVBOB Persverklaring
TRUSTING THE CREATIVE PROCESS Until the end of November, aspiring South African poets will be entering their best words into the annual AVBOB Poetry Competition, which offers attractive cash prizes. Many people are intimidated by writing poetry, but there are easy ways to engage with the process. Kobus Moolman is an experienced, multi-award-winning poet…
Hannes Visser. Nagwaak
Nagwaak die weerlig verblind die spieëls en ek begin tel duisendeneen duisendentwee duisendendrie duisenden die knal sweepslag en rammel weg “meer as ‘n kilometer, ons is veilig” sou ek gesê het terwyl ek die kombers vir die soveelste keer om jou lyf vou en jou voorkop soen “onthou van die honde” sou jy vir die soveelste keer…