Released: 3 November 2022 Disability transmuted through poetry with Kobus Moolman In Disability Awareness Month, the AVBOB Poetry Project acknowledges the 5.1% of South Africans over the age of five who live with some form of disability. Most lack access to adequate health care and basic education and are at risk of economic isolation…
Tag: AVBOB Poetry
AVBOB Persverklaring
Robert Berold 14 October 2022 Editing your own poetry: Q&A with Robert Berold As the AVBOB Poetry Project deadline looms, the last workshop in a series of six well-attended online workshops focused on how to edit poems. On 15 October 2022, veteran poet and editor Robert Berold joined series host and poetry teacher, Liesl Jobson, sharing generously…
AVBOB Persverklaring
Phelelani Makhanya Released: 13 October 2022 The world of rural women, as seen in the poetry of Phelelani Makhanya The invaluable contribution of millions of women living in remote, rural areas under immensely challenging conditions is seldom seen in the media or acknowledged by city dwellers. This month, on International Day of Rural Women (October…
AVBOB Persverklaring
Kelwyn Sole: Foto: Liesel Jobs PRESS RELEASE: AVBOB POETRY Released: 6 October 2022 Waiting and exhilaration: Kelwyn Sole on birding and poems This month, as the world celebrates World Migratory Bird Day (Saturday, 8 October), the AVBOB Poetry Project celebrates a brilliant, challenging new collection by Kelwyn Sole, an award-winning poet and keen bird watcher, with…
AVBOB Poetry: Persverklaring (in Engels)
29 September 2022 Find your voice in silence, with creativity mentor Silke Heiss Have you ever tried to finish a poem to a deadline – possibly to enter the AVBOB Poetry Competition – and found that your mind is empty? Have you sat at your desk, wondering how to tap into inspiration? Creativity mentor and…
Press release: AVBOB Poetry
Douglas Reid Skinner PRESS RELEASE: AVBOB Poetry Released: 15 September 2022 Many languages, one shared culture – Douglas Reid Skinner on International Translation Day Making poetry accessible to a wider audience is a central aim of the AVBOB Poetry Competition, which awards R10 000 to each of the winning poets in all 11 official…
Gerhard Barkhuizen. Dislojale verset
Dislojale verset Jou oë kaats die onvermoë om vrees in myne raak te lees. Jy ruik nie die asem wat honger deur gebarste lippe wasem. Jy bly doof vir my storie wat vertel van daklek en winterhel. My koker met die Quink trek leeg, ek vul dit aan by Total in ’n steeg. Ek pen sò my verhaal in die…
Persverklaring: AVBOB Poetry
Malika Ndlovu (Foto: Dirk Skiba) 11 March 2022 Poësie as genesing in Menseregtemaand, met Malika Ndlovu In Maart gee die AVBOB Poësiekompetisie erkenning aan diegene wat werk om menseregte te bevorder. Histories onthou ons Sharpeville (21 Maart 1960), maar die beskerming van menseregte en herstel van menseregtevergrype is ‘n voortdurende…