Foto: Beth Frazer “The body is not mute, but it is inarticulate; it does not use speech, yet it begets it.” Hierdie aanhaling kom uit Arthur W. Frank se The wounded storyteller (1995) wat liggaamlike verwonding en siekte op ’n treffende wyse bespreek en uitlê. Nou die dag word ek genoop om my dokter vir…
Tag: E. W. S. Hammond
E. W. S. Hammond – vertaling in Engels
E. W. S. Hammond – vertaal deur Tony Ullyatt Spring in England The sun has come back again with the colour of wild daffodils. And swallows in their tremulous flight from my haemorrhaging South Africa. Autumn It’s the sun that is grieving. It’s the trees that weep. I just sit here. Would anyone mind if…