Versindaba kompetisie vir vertaalde gedigte (88) Gisela Ullyatt. Vertaling van Afrikaans in Engels. Vert. deur Tony Ullyatt. after breakfast from that morning you brought my breakfast on a decrepit tray while summer light destroyed our veranda lavender after I had broken my bread you brought an offering pharmaceutically exact you…
Tag: Gisela Ullyatt vertaling in Engels
Gisela Ullyatt. Vertaling in Engels
Versindaba kompetisie vir vertaalde gedigte (87) Gisela Ullyatt. Vertaling van Afrikaans in Engels. Vert. deur Tony Ullyatt. the truth about doves in my eighth year the neighbours there move to a swanky suburb the other side Brandkop bridge leaving their dovecote near the quince trees in our backyard its cage…
Gisela Ullyatt. Vertaling in Engels
Versindaba kompetisie vir vertaalde gedigte (86) Gisela Ullyatt. Vertaling van Afrikaans in Engels. Vert. deur Tony Ullyatt. women round a table she remembers the expanse of a festive table under the farm’s willow trees the sun seeping through like maple syrup grandmothers mothers and aunts carrying chairs from the dining room…
Gisela Ullyatt. Vertaling in Engels
Versindaba kompetisie vir vertaalde gedigte (85) Gisela Ullyatt. Vertaling van Afrikaans in Engels. Vert. deur Tony Ullyatt. mystic boer and he comes to pick them up in his baby-blue kombi (a year later the engine’s buggered) behind the windows beige-and-brown curtains possibly nicked from a seventies parsonage the seats definitely from…
Gisela Ullyatt. Vertaling in Engels
Versindaba kompetisie vir vertaalde gedigte (84) Gisela Ullyatt. Vertaling van Afrikaans in Engels. Vert. deur Tony Ullyatt. grandpa smokes his last stuyvesant grandpa crumples like coca-cola can minutes ago his cheeks were still the colour of nectarines he put out his last stuyvesant just before breakfast it was august in the…
Gisela Ullyatt. Vertaling in Engels
Versindaba kompetisie vir vertaalde gedigte (83) Gisela Ullyatt. Vertaling van Afrikaans in Engels. Vert. deur Tony Ullyatt. Before I go before I go show me the gray perimeters of my innards the infinity of silver before I go tame my thorny fields with origami birds harakiri the silence…