Gedagtes uit Brittanje: Somer (ii) * november, here and now i see you everywhere: in the tracks of ice, whispers caught, fish, a motion like a wave. i am found staring, and taken in. it is harrowing, the shedding of the sun on winter afternoons; watchers see the leaves crack and curl; birds eating fast…
Tag: somer
Marcelle Olivier. Somer (i)
Gedagtes uit Brittanje: Somer (i) Blykbaar is dit somer in Engeland. Dis nou volgens die seisoenale kalender, maar hier reën dit konstant en dis koud genoeg vir jas dra as jy uitgaan. So drie weke gelede was daar wel ‘n naweek van sonskyn toe die Britse gepeupel hulle skouers en neuse flenters verbrand het, en…