[Afrikaanse gedigte met Engelse vertalings]
Saamgestel deur Hennie van Coller, Helize van Vuuren and Louise Viljoen
Afrikaans Poems with English Translations
Selected and compiled by: Hennie van Coller, Helize van Vuuren and Louise Viljoen
Hierdie nuwe versameling van Afrikaanse gedigte met die Engelse vertalings daarnaas, is ‘n hersiene uitgawe van Afrikaans Poems with English Translation, saamgestel deur A.P. Grové and C.J.D. Harvey in 1962. Die doel van hierdie nuwe uitgawe was om ‘n kompakte bloemlesing te verskaf van ‘n honderd van die beste gedigte in Afrikaans, maar die taak het uiteindelik gekulmineer in een honderd en dertien gedigte. Die versameling bied ‘n venster op die Afrikaanse digkuns as ‘n geheel: ‘n letterkunde wat tematies en struktureel gegrond is in Afrika, asook in die verskeidenheid van internasionale letterkundes en poëtiese tradisies.
This new anthology of Afrikaans poems accompanied by their English translations is an extended and revised edition of Afrikaans Poems with English Translations, edited by A.P. Grové and C.J.D. Harvey and originally published in 1962. Grové and Harvey’s anthology gained a certain prominence in its time on which this anthology aims to build. It will also be a continuation of a specific tradition in Afrikaans literature, namely to collate the best and at the same time the most representative poems in an anthology. The aim with this edition was to produce a concise and compact anthology of a hundred of the best poems in Afrikaans; as a result of the near impossibility of such a task the editors ended up including a hundred and thirteen poems.
This selection will provide the reader with a window on Afrikaans poetry and give some impression of the vibrancy of Afrikaans literature as a whole: it is a literature thematically and structurally grounded in Africa, but at the same time in a variety of international literatures and poetic traditions.
Oor die samestellers / ABOUT THE COMPILERS
Editors of the new edition are H.P. van Coller, distinguished professor emeritus (University of the Free State) and extraordinary professor (North-West University), published poet and co-editor of Perspektief en profiel; Louise Viljoen, distinguished professor at the Department of Afrikaans and Dutch, Stellenbosch University, well-known literary critic and book reviewer; and Helize van Vuuren, a distinguished professor emiritus of literature at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.
This anthology is a collection of the best Afrikaans poems beginning with Eugène Marais and ending with Nathan Trantraal. [Protea Book House, 2018; R250.00 (VAT included), ISBN: 978-1-4853-0694-8, Format 152 x 222 mm., Softcover, pp 312]