TRUSTING THE CREATIVE PROCESS Until the end of November, aspiring South African poets will be entering their best words into the annual AVBOB Poetry Competition, which offers attractive cash prizes. Many people are intimidated by writing poetry, but there are easy ways to engage with the process. Kobus Moolman is an experienced, multi-award-winning poet…
Tag: Kobus Moolman
AVBOB Persverklaring: Kobus Moolman oor gestremdheid en poësie
Released: 3 November 2022 Disability transmuted through poetry with Kobus Moolman In Disability Awareness Month, the AVBOB Poetry Project acknowledges the 5.1% of South Africans over the age of five who live with some form of disability. Most lack access to adequate health care and basic education and are at risk of economic isolation…