Leon Retief het grootgeword in Wepener in die Vrystaat en word nog elke jaar groter. Hy het by Kovsies studeer en na ʼn kortstondige navorsingsloopbaan in biochemie het hy oorgeslaan na medisyne en gespesialiseer in narkose. Hy word narkotiseur by ‘n hospitaal in Durbanville. Hy werk die afgelope twee jaar in Moose Jaw, ‘n dorp in die Kanadese prêrie. Hy glo hy weet niks van die letterkunde af nie, maar hy het ‘n groot passie vir gedigte. Ander belangstellings is evolusie, opera/lieder en motorsport. Hy is getroud met Lesli, hulle oudste dogter Liezl is in 2001 oorlede en hul jongste dogter Lenore woon in Johannesburg. |
Moose Jaw (of Moose Dja soos die Kanadese dit uitspreek) bemark homself graag as die “Cultural capital of Saskatchewan”, nie dat dit noodwendig veel beteken nie – in die winter, wanneer daar vir vyf maande van die jaar sneeu op die grond is en die temperature maklik tot -40°C daal, gebeur uiteraard maar min. In die somer verander dinge darem en elke Julie bied Moose Jaw ʼn weeklange Festival of Words aan. Baie van die skrywers wat hierdie woordfees bywoon is van Saskatchewan. As mens in ag neem dat die provinsie maar sowat een miljoen inwoners het dan wil dit my voorkom asof daar baie skrywers per 100 000 bevolking is.
Ek het in 2008 die voorreg gehad om te hoor hoe Don Domanski van sy eie gedigte voordra. Domanski, ʼn waardige omie met ʼn kierie en ʼn sagte stem, het op ʼn interessante wyse besluit om ʼn digter te word: “I remember when I decided to be a poet, it was in October 1965, and I was walking from my bedroom to the kitchen and somewhere in the living room I decided to be a poet. It came as a bolt out of the blue, but very calmly, no excitement, just an immediate acceptance that this was what I would do for the rest of my life. The next day I went to the Sydney Public Library and started reading poetry. I can only think that some process was going on beneath the surface, some unconscious outgrowth emerging finally at that age. But I’m only guessing here, being totally honest I don’t have a clue. People that I’ve told this to find it rather bizarre, or perhaps apocryphal, but the thing is, I find it rather bizarre myself.” (Die Sydney waarna hy verwys is nie die een in Oz nie, maar in Nova Scotia, waar hy tans woon.)
Geologie en paleontologie figureer soms sterk in sy gedigte en hy is ook beïnvloed deur Boeddhisme. Sy bundel “All Our Wonder Unavenged” het in 2007 die Governor General’s Award vir digkuns gewen.
nothing much to attend the stars tonight
small talk of the weeds koan of a boulder
a line of trees in angelic orders the dead
remembering all those candles they once lit
in the sleeping woods
this world can only be as large as a pond’s contentment
no larger cool water lined with stones and grass
unmown grass Lethean green under the street lights
blades casting the shadows of eternity’s alphabet
small Aramaic strokes of darkness on parched ground
I walk along like blood seeking its wound
an old animal habit attentiveness to movement
backwash of my body trailing narratives behind me
stories like cut fingers on someone else’s hand
there are roots under my feet scaffolds packed in soil
where dark ages hang filling their throats with water
there are nightjars above me calling to their masters
to those forces vague and unseeable
infolded with clouds somewhere high above the city
I’m on Willow Street again the earth one step
ahead of me in the dark
a fog moving in from the harbour
a slight breeze like butterflies pulling the plow of Eros
the street like a greenhouse drifting gradually out to sea
the mind’s amorphous shape in each footstep a pain
in my lower back synaptic bitch-work of the body
effigies of roses set on fire between my vertebrae
red flowers vamping up lit and bladed through
each of my thoughts like the ghost of a key trying
to turn in a lock
to let in the imagined self that story in the bloodstream
veined like a long pause its fadeout to edgeless space
nowhere to write down what I love what loves me
only the missing words adrift among the chestnut leaves
only a wordless prayer lip-sync of the black water
pooling behind our bright eyes
nowhere to turn where there isn’t a brushstroke or two
of absence shining through catching the light
we give to things
nowhere to place the heart some grace found between
the beats a feather’s dharma turning over in my chest
weight of the soul before any decision is made
afterwards a hawk’s quill to write it all down
the sigh and apocalypse.
the cormorant carries the universe
it’s a place small enough for a bird to carry
on its back the countryside tilts down to the sea
beneath its feathers a well runs deeply down into its body
you haul water up in a tin bucket
the water isn’t red like a cormorant’s blood
but clear like the skill of drinking from your palms
folded holding an invisible cup you drink the cup
and unfold your hands reaching for the water again.
you take the water indoors it enters a room trembling
it enters a house afraid even though it’s been there before
even though it’s been in the belly of a whale in a teapot
in the eyes of Seneca in a shot glass in a glacier
even though it’s passed through sewers and aquariums
been under Phoenician ships and in the stems of roses
in the wings of locusts rising from a decision in the dark
it enters the house shivering as if it were cold
even though it has been mixed with blood with soup
with earth with food dyes that have made it bluer
than blue ever wanted to be even though Lao-Tzu
slept with it beneath his tonge calling it a flame
even though it has rested in the warmth of
countless breasts awaiting the child foretold by emptiness
although each time the infant is only water and morning
the ocean come back from death laying down its head.
at every moment water is finished with itself complete
with memories with motion with resting-places
but because of you it begins again to move the hours
into position it picks you up once again from sleep
all day it will protect you from thirst which is the voice
of the enemy in your throat longing to speak to curse
the wisdom of the elements the raindrop’s preeminence
over humanity the rapture in the plumbing
ecstasy in the kettle the exaltation in the cloud
you who are so graceless drowning water with your gestures
understand its patience its tender stillness in a bowl
its true life is a silence that is always present
the faraway in an animal’s mouth the dowry of a bride unborn
you who are so unconscious so wet with thought know
when you leave it will wait for you wait years for you
to return then it will be a name to remember when you open
the door water a name for your name to return to.
Dis reg, Leon. Ek onthou nou – die betrokke rubriek van jou het eintlik oor moederliefde gehandel en hoe ons emosies die gevolg van hormoon-afskeidings is. Fassinerende leesstof gewees.
Ummmm… liefde is darem nie ‘n hormonale wanbalans nie Pieter, ek het geskryf oor die rol wat oksitosien speel in menslike gedrag, liefde en moederliefde – doodgewone neurochemiese verskynsels. Ek het nie meer die stuk nie. Groete
Lekker verrassing om jou op Versindaba raak te lees, Leon! Ek onthou ‘n stuk wat jy geskryf het oor liefde as ‘n toestand van hormonale wanbalans. Het jy dit nog? Hoekom sit jy dit nie as ‘n blog op vir almal wat dit nog nie gelees het nie?
Hallo Pieter, As jy die “Wetenskap Vandag” rubrieke bedoel, jip, ek het bydraes gelewer. Bly dat jy dit interessant gevind het.
Leon, is dit jy wat altyd die mediese rubrieke vir Die Burger geskryf het? Het dit altyd prikkelende leesstof gevind.
Die gedig Drowning water is werklik baie mooi. Maar wat ‘n vreemde gesiggie het die digter tog nie! Hy lyk na ‘n kruis tussen Uys Krige en stok-ou visserman van die Weskus!