Versindaba se maand van die liefde kan nie verbygaan voordat iemand nie na Nick Cave se lesing oor die liefdeslied verwys het nie – “The secret life of the love song”. Hy verwys daarin na Lorca en “duende”. Hier is ʼn kort aanhaling daaruit:
‘In his brilliant lecture entitled “The Theory and Function of Duende” Frederico Garcia Lorca attempts to shed some light on the eerie and inexplicable sadness that lives in the heart of certain works of art. “All that has dark sound has duende”, he says, “that mysterious power that everyone feels but no philosopher can explain.” In contemporary rock music, the area in which I operate, music seems less inclined to have its soul, restless and quivering, the sadness that Lorca talks about. Excitement, often; anger, sometimes: but true sadness, rarely, Bob Dylan has always had it. Leonard Cohen deals specifically in it. It pursues Van Morrison like a black dog and though he tries to he cannot escape it. Tom Waits and Neil Young can summon it. It haunts Polly Harvey. My friend and Dirty 3 have it by the bucket load. The band Spiritualised are excited by it. Tindersticks desperately want it, but all in all it would appear that duende is too fragile to survive the brutality of technology and the ever increasing acceleration of the music industry. Perhaps there is just no money in sadness, no dollars in duende. Sadness or duende needs space to breathe. Melancholy hates haste and floats in silence. It must be handled with care.’
Lees die hele lesing hier.
En dan, een van my gunsteling Nick Cave songs, “Are you the one that I’ve been waiting for?” Hier is die liriek:
I’ve felt you coming girl, as you drew near
I knew you’d find me, cause I longed you here
Are you my destiny? Is this how you’ll appear?
Wrapped in a coat with tears in your eyes?
Well take that coat babe, and throw it on the floor
Are you the one that I’ve been waiting for?
As you’ve been moving surely toward me
My soul has comforted and assured me
That in time my heart it will reward me
And that all will be revealed
So I’ve sat and I’ve watched an ice-age thaw
Are you the one that I’ve been waiting for?
Out of sorrow entire worlds have been built
Out of longing great wonders have been willed
They’re only little tears, darling, let them spill
And lay your head upon my shoulder
Outside my window the world has gone to war
Are you the one that I’ve been waiting for?
O we will know, won’t we?
The stars will explode in the sky
O but they don’t, do they?
Stars have their moment and then they die
There’s a man who spoke wonders though I’ve never met him
He said, “He who seeks finds and who knocks will be let in”
I think of you in motion and just how close you are getting
And how every little thing anticipates you
All down my veins my heart-strings call
Are you the one that I’ve been waiting for?
En kyk die eenvoudige, maar mooi video hier.
Oor daai een gaan ek mooi moet dink! Gee tyd…
Ja, maar ek het ook na die video gaan kyk en dit klink vir my so half asof die liriek en melodie nie altyd lekker pas nie. Veral by die 4de reël van die eerste vier strofes. So asof hy sy woorde moes stretch om die frasering te voltooi. En dis jammer, want ja, dis sekerlik ‘n groot song. Of maak dit nie juis saak nie, Andries? Hoe belangrik is dit dat die liriek/sangritme by die speelritme moet pas? (Ek weet dat dié twee – veral met jazz – dikwels met opset van mekaar af wegbeweeg. Is dit hier ook die geval?)
Desmond, sien ek nou toevallig hierdie een ook:
Ja, dis baie mooi. Wonderlik hoe hy met religie en liefde speel.
Hallo Andries, een van my all-time favourite Cave songs EN gunsteling love songs. Die moment wat my altyd gryp: “Out of sorrow entire worlds have been built/ Out of longing great wonders have been willed.” Hy is ‘n groot skrywer van love songs: dink aan Into your arms en Love Letter (lg. van No more shall we part).
Pan Cogito, dit kom oorspronklik van “The Boatman’s Call” af. Ek het dit op ‘n DVD met al sy video’s. Hoor hoe proes die puriste.
Hel, Andries! Eers slaan Johann de Lange ons plat met daardie manifieke gedig deur Dorianne Laux en nou kom jy met dié “blaster” van ‘n liriek … Baie dankie. Van watter album kom hierdie song?