Puntdigte uit die Sloweense landskap
Elisabeth Eybers
Altyd in balans, in ewewig:
afgeweeg simmetries ‘n gedig.
DJ Opperman
Die swart kategese oor Dertig,
bly steeds leersaam en kragtig.
Sheila Cussons
Deur leed en gas gepuur:
‘n engel red jou uit die vuur.
NP van Wyk Louw
Jy speel Ovidius in Amsterdam;
later op die tuisfront nog eensaam.
Johann de Lange
Elke nag weg hoor ek die Dom se slae,
my rooi Mondaine glimmer verlange.
© Joan Hambidge / 2014
Die wond van realiteit – die realiteit van die wond. Ewige begeerte wat, as dit vervul word, ver-woes word – begeerte vir begeerte sal word … met die gevolg, ons is verdoem “[to] keep the other as other, wounded, wounding, impossible utterance,” soos Derrida (2007:186)- ‘n sekere grootprater van begeerte? – dit in “At This Very Moment in This Work Here I Am” stel na aanleiding van die vou(e)/vroue wat hy in Levinas/EL (elle) (soos hy die ander/Ander wat hy daarin raaklees noem) se oeuvre. Die “faulty” teks – heerlik frustrerend (vir die wat begrip vir die onheilspellende spel het), vreeslik gevaarlik (vir die wat nie geduld het met die unheimlich nie) … Totalisering, die “closed organisation,” is logiesgesproke (vergelyk Gödel) self-verwoestend, oftewel soos Dronkie Derrida wys, asemrowend “produktief” …
Laibach loop op ‘n dun lyntjie met sig strategiese “over-identification” om die “hidden reverse” te ontbloot, soos in Žižek* dit beskryf, maar kansvattery is, soos duiselingswekkende JD (probeer) demonstreer, asof voorgeskryf …
“op die tuisfront” bly ons “eensaam” – een-saam? Net “‘n engel” kan “jou” “red” “uit die [self-onderhoudende-self-verwoestende]vuur” en ‘n “swart kategese (…) bly [dus] steeds leersaam en kragtig” – “my rooi Mondaine glimmer verlange” – “afgeweeg simmetries ‘n gedig” – “Elke nag weg hoor ek die Dom se slae”
Mooi (en magtige) woorde, interessante gesprek.
“Desire is a wound of reality.”
Slavoj Žižek
Andries, ‘n Britse kollega van my het ‘n paar goed oor Laibach geskryf, en meer onlangs oor die belangrike Neue Slowenische Kunst (NSK) beweging wat in die 80s in Sowenie tot stand gekom het. Twee paragrawe:
“The first thing to note about the conditions in which the NSK developed was that the
opposition movement inside Slovenia in the late 1970s actually started with mass youth
rebellion. This movement unleashed creative energies against the regime, but it was clear that the resistance needed to be organised, so the question is what forms of organisation would be necessary to combat a regime that was itself highly structured? The opposition movement started with punk, and while punk did open up possibilities for chaotic refusal of organisation and any kind of centralisation, the NSK project took a quite different path. The intervention of the
NSK group began with the appearance of the band Laibach in the industrial town of Trbovlie in the 1980s. The name was already a provocation, for “Laibach” is the German name for the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana. One can see a question here, but it is a question that is posed to the audience as to whether this means that Laibach are fascist.
As Žižek has pointed out in some of his writings defending Laibach and NSK, like a good psychoanalyst they do not answer this question of transference (Žižek, 1993). The
organisational form thus serves to produce an enigma; it plays with existing relations of power while opening a space to question them. It renders relations of power explicit so that the audience must work through those transferential relations – the repetition of past relationships in relation to the band – themselves. For Laibach to tell the audience that this is simply a game, a ploy to expose the regime, would actually be to have fallen into the trap of endorsing that power
relationship rather than unravelling it. So, closed organisation, the closed organisational form produces a form of transference which turns the regime against itself. And so, it keeps open the question of transference, rather than stabilising it as a warrant for patterns of exploitation or centralisation or power.” – Ian Parker
Ag tog. ‘n “Hoofstruk” kom seker uit ‘n boek wat mens boei.
Mooi hoofstruk oor Laibach in Fred de Vries se “Klub Risiko”. Dankie vir die gedigte, Joan.
Ljubjlana, Laibach… Zizek se stad! Wil die plek bitter graag besoek, eendag.
Die gedigte kom oor ‘n lang tyd. Die laaste een geskryf in die nag in my hotel Antiq Palace. Die stil nag met die slae …
Wat ‘n ongelooflike ervaring is hierdie land nie.
Hoe jy woorde vind om gedisteleerde emosie oor te dra.